Helen Lena Pierre Helen Lena Pierre

So What is reiki?

It all begins with an idea.

The term “reiki” comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” which means vital life force energy that flows through all living things.

Reiki is an attuning art form of helping clear blockages to allow space for healing to take place. The recipient must be active in his or her own healing development for the energy to work long term or else the chakra or energy wheel will become blocked again. 

I look at reiki as a tool to help, but it isn’t the end all be all. It isn’t a magic trick. It’s simply a tools to get the wheels aligned and energies unblocked. 

As humans we all have ‘subtle bodies’ and ‘energetic wheels and meridians’ in the body. Subtle bodies are none-physical energies we are comprised of that carry frequencies and vibrations. An example would be mental, emotional, spiritual, etheric, & astral to name a few. We are made up of frequency and vibrations even on a subatomic level. There are dense parts of you which would create your physical body that is tangible. Such as organs skin bones flesh blood vessel etc. 

So when you go to a practitioner of reiki to receive an attunement, what takes place is the flow of universal life force energy through the practitioner into the parts of your chakras & subtle bodies or meridians that are blocked. The real work can take place and that’s all up to the receiver.

With Distant Reiki the recipient gives the practitioner permission to access their energetic fields. Using a specific symbol, the practitioner activates the session to allow the connection to the receiver. The distance symbol is used to cross any distance in space or time.

According to “Hermetic Principles of Similarity”, it is said we are all connected. As we are all energy matter part of a larger whole.  This is how it is possible for distant reiki to be possible. It is even applicable for distant sessions of Tarot & Oracle readings, and tuning fork therapy. We are tuned into the energy/frequency of the recipients as we are all interconnected. 

Why I use the term Attunement vs Healing?

Attune is the act of bringing something into harmony and healing the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again. The practitioner can bring your energetic bodies into harmony, but it is the recipient who does the healing. You hold the magic we just aid in clearing energetic blockages to allow that to happen!

Styles of Energy healing

I use a blended form of Reiki both of Khemetic Lineage and Usui Reiki Lineage. Khemetic reiki is an ancient African form of energy healing. Usui Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. I am certified in both styles of energetic healing, and I happily blend both forms for a unique approach to Reiki.

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