Helen Lena Pierre Helen Lena Pierre

Intro To The Main Seven Chakras

Subtle bodies (Energy Wheels)

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning spinning wheel. These are a system of seven energy centers located along the spine. Each chakra corresponds to an area of the body, a set of behavioral characteristics and stages of spiritual growth. Reiki, sound healing, eating whole food, meditation, mindfulness, grounding, practicing mindful movement and focusing your energies during different postures can help you to align your chakras and get all the wheels spinning in the same direction and speed. Understanding how to fine tune and align your chakras through the previously mentioned modalities can help bring balance and peace to your mind, body and spirit.


There are seven chakras, each associated with a different part of the body along the spine from the perineum to the crown of your head. Each chakra is associated with a particular body location, a color, a central emotional/behavioral issue, as well as many other personal aspects including identity, goals, rights, etc.


The seven chakras are:

  • (Root) Chakra-Muladhara- base of the spine

  • (Sacral) Chakra-Svadhisthana- abdomen, genitals, lower back/hip

  • (Solar Plexus) Chakra-Manipura- solar plexus

  • (Heart) Chakra-Anahata- heart area

  • (Throat) Chakra-Vishuddha- throat

  • 1st Eye (Third Eye) Chakra-Ajna- brow

  • (Crown) Chakra -Sahasrara- top of head, cerebral cortex.


Through the movements and postures of mindful movement, you can learn to focus your concentration and energy to and from the various chakras in your body. This can allow you to compensate for areas that may be out of sync with the rest of your body or not active at all. By balancing the energy among all seven of the chakras, balance can be achieved. 


This spiritual energy is known as Kundalini energy. In its dormant state, it can be visualized as a coiled-up snake resting at the base of your spine, the Muladhara chakra. Since the chakras act as valves or pumps regulating the flow of energy through your system, controlled and purposeful movements such as yoga, tai chi, qigong just to name a few can be extremely beneficial in realigning your chakras in a way that can cause great benefits to you in your physical and emotional wellbeing.

To book a free session with me for guidance click this link Discovery Life Coaching Session

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Helen Lena Pierre Helen Lena Pierre

New moon in Capricorn

Harnessing moon energy though the astrological signs


This a great Time of transition.

We have the winter solstice approaching tomorrow along with a new moon in Capricorn  occurring Thursday on the 23rd. This a super juicy week. I’m amped y’all!!!!!

I’ve been heavily reflecting and gathering information to share with you. As I won’t deny I got a thing for Capricorn energy secretly.

On Dec 23rd we are entering a new moon in Capricorn and it’s a Super moon at that . The moon will be super close to Earth baybeee.   Oooooweeee Super powerful may I say.

This is an amazing time to take advantage of planting seeds in the Realms of Capricorn. When I think of Capricorn I think of the words Ambitious, Determined, The G.O.A.T😉, Practical, Grounded, Realistic, Masters of Delegation, Systems, Structure, Career.

It is a cardinal Sign ruling the knees, joints , Tendons, skeletal systems, teeth, skin, and hair.

Capricorn itself is ruled by Saturn and exalted in Mars.

So with that being said I’d like to go into the energy of the days leading into the moon phases and the days there after.

This an extremely powerful time and I want to share some info on what the energies means to me and how you can harness and wield the energy to your advantage through your own creativity and intuitive nature.

The Dark Moon is the brief time right before the new moon approaches where the moon is not visible in the sky. It’s a great time for introspection, reflection & connecting to your inner guru(wisdom). It can be seen as a Dark Mirror. Truly a favorable Time for solitude, where we can look into the shadow & what we’ve kept hidden. Key phrases for intergration can look like deep self acceptance, reclaiming our inherent worth & reflection on our inner most self.

New moon

The New Moons theme is New beginnings, fresh newborn energy as the moon approaches its cycle to reach full illumination again. In that we begin to feel into the space we created over the last phase and gear up to start anew. It’s a great time of renewel and recharging the different dimensions of yourself through any aspects of your life.

The favorable time to set your intentions is a few days following the new Moon

The Waxing Crescent Moon to the Gibbous moon

This phase in time is where we transition from the seeds we’ve planted into actually watering and nurturing. We set the goal. We create a plan then we implement. Moon manifestations is not just dropping the seed in soil and hoping they grow. We have to nurture the seeds put in energy in effort to see it to its bloom. So yes it’s going to require work, energy and effort.

So with that being said what we are doing here is aligning ourself with the cosmos. We call getting into alignment mind (mentally). Visualize what you see happening. , body is the (physical action) spirit(cosmically and energetically) the attitude we carry as we move through the these particular phases do you truly feel that you deserve this and do you already give show up with gratitude like you already have it. You have to be optimistic even when shit gets hard. Knowing that whatever obstacle you face there’s always a solution. Even if it means tweeking and re-strategizing.

A new moon in Capricorn can mean a lot of things to different people so I’ll share my take. And you can take a look at where youre at and what it can mean for you specifically.

I believe this is an excellent time to plant seeds of something concrete and initiate something practical and achievable that you’d like to bring out in the world. What is some area of your life you are inspired to take action on. What have you dreamed of bringing forth. What Legacy would you like to leave behind. To dream a new path to solid goals and as the moon moves through its phases we can initiate and work practically towards them.

This is also great for looking at what you can streamline, delegate to help you get to your goals and dreams. Capricorn is considered a Cardinal sign so this means it an initiator of the physical realm and dimension. It is a sign that calls us to “Great Work” and being able to actualize and achieve something we consider special and inspired.

It’s inspired actions, hardworking and patient. Think of the goat climbing the Mountain. It always makes it to the top. Always!

If your interested in a tool to you begin, I have now available digital and printable Abundance Journals that can help guide you and get you clear on your path towards something you’ve been inspired by. This journal has over 41 pages of guidance to get you clear on your goals, along with journal entry questions, affirmations and visualizations. It’s the real deal!

It’s on sale now for a limited time for $2..99

Yup that’s right . 2.99 because I really want to see you win. So let get this started! We get legacies to build y’all!

And don’t forget Your are worthy!

Love Ms Lena V

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