Howlite "The Calming Stone"
*Assists in calming energy
*Assists in accessing past lives
*Excellent for sleep or mediation
*Aids in memory recall
*Aids in mindfulness
*Helps in overcoming judgmental attitudes and selfish tendencies and strengthening positive character traits
Connected to All chakras
Affirmation: I Release stressful attachments and embrace the joy of life
*Assists in calming energy
*Assists in accessing past lives
*Excellent for sleep or mediation
*Aids in memory recall
*Aids in mindfulness
*Helps in overcoming judgmental attitudes and selfish tendencies and strengthening positive character traits
Connected to All chakras
Affirmation: I Release stressful attachments and embrace the joy of life
*Assists in calming energy
*Assists in accessing past lives
*Excellent for sleep or mediation
*Aids in memory recall
*Aids in mindfulness
*Helps in overcoming judgmental attitudes and selfish tendencies and strengthening positive character traits
Connected to All chakras
Affirmation: I Release stressful attachments and embrace the joy of life