Amazonite and Lava beaded Bracelet "Balanced Communicator"
Balance the masculine and feminine energies.
encourages trust
enhances bot intuitive perceptions and reason
encourages expression
*Enhance loving communications
*Dissipates negative energy & blockages with nervous system
*Minimizes musclet spasms
*Protects from microwaves and electromagnetic smog
Throat and heart chakra association
I feel safe as speak my hearts truth
Balance the masculine and feminine energies.
encourages trust
enhances bot intuitive perceptions and reason
encourages expression
*Enhance loving communications
*Dissipates negative energy & blockages with nervous system
*Minimizes musclet spasms
*Protects from microwaves and electromagnetic smog
Throat and heart chakra association
I feel safe as speak my hearts truth
Balance the masculine and feminine energies.
encourages trust
enhances bot intuitive perceptions and reason
encourages expression
*Enhance loving communications
*Dissipates negative energy & blockages with nervous system
*Minimizes musclet spasms
*Protects from microwaves and electromagnetic smog
Throat and heart chakra association
I feel safe as speak my hearts truth